Our production is placed 6O km south of DRESDEN.
We install and import houses up to a distance of 1000 km.
The company is based in the Czech Republic
Since 2016 we have delivered more than 50 houses in Germany, Netherlands, Slovakia and Czech Republic.
Important informations
Even though the Dubldom's house is quick to deliver and build, it is necessary to consider your local conditions for a similar type of buliding.
Here are few points to think about
Building permission from your local authorities
We have prepared project documentation for all types houses of the 2nd series for the Czech Republic
We also have documentation available on DD 77 for Germany.
You will need to cooperate with an architect, who will help you with the project documentations
We offer houses mainly in standard design. You can see this offer here: www.dubldom.com/en
The basic price does not include the preparation of the steel grate
We do not know all the relevant local standards so we will need to adjust the project, which will require additional costs
We have a demo house DD 77 placed 60 km from Dresden in the Czech Republic.
Here you can see a sample DulbDom offer for a long distance, without ground screw and steel foundation.
First step for your new home:
Visit the Demo house!
To arrange a tour in the model house, please contact us at cz@dubldom.com; for customers from far away we have prepared the possibility to stay overnight in the model house for a fee.
WhatsApp +420 608 836 128
DD 77 is located 60 km south from Dresden in north of Czechia.
email: cz@dubldom.com
WhatsApp - +420 608 836 128
REXWOOD construction s.r.o.
Vítězná ul.
Ústí nad Labem, 403 22
Czech Republic
IČO: 254 188 15